VAM Training & Consultancy Limited ("VAM"), established 2002 in Hong Kong, is a professional training and consulting company specializing in conducting banking, finance and management courses. All our consultants have many years of practical experience and teaching experience. VAM focuses on providing high-quality and practical professional training in order to enhance the competitiveness of practitioners.
Dr. Mike Hui
Certified Banker, CFA

Dr. Hui is a veteran in the investment and banking industry. He has over 20 years of working experience in a merchant bank and several listed brokerage firms, and over 18 years of teaching experience in various tertiary institutions and professional bodies covering finance and banking courses. He has been delivering Chartered Financial Analyst CFA courses for the past 10 years and the CFP program for the past 18 years with very positive feedback. Mike is a CFA charter holder and has a Master of Science degree in Finance from the Chinese University of HK. He received “Outstanding Teacher Award” from University of Hong Kong, SPACE in 2019.
Dr. Angus Yip
Chartered Banker, CFP

Dr. Angus Yip, was educated in the U.K. and obtained double Master Degrees from the University of Cambridge (Sustainability) and Lancaster University (Accounting & Finance) respectively. He was also awarded Professional Graduate Certificate in "Corporate Sustainability & Innovation" from Harvard University.
Angus is a veteran corporate banker (trade finance and syndication) and has about 30 years’ hands-on experience in corporate banking, asset management and corporate training. He is a Chartered Banker (U.K.), Certified Banker (H.K.) and Certified Financial Planner (CFP). Angus is also Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Hong Kong, SPACE and was awarded “Outstanding Teacher” in 2017.
葉榮鏗先生曾留學英國,取得雙碩士學位:劍橋大學 「可持續發展領導才能」碩士學位及蘭卡斯特大學 (Lancaster University) 會計及財務碩士學位。考獲美國哈佛大學「企業可持續發展及創新」專業硏究生證書。葉先生擁有認可財務策劃師(CFP)資格;英國特許銀行學會及香港銀行學會之會士資格。他于1999年成為全球第一批考獲 Certified Documentary Credit Specialist
(CDCS) 「認可信用證專家」的資格。葉先生擁有25年以上銀行、金融及顧問工作經驗,敍做貿易融資、銀團貸款、財務顧問及債務重組等業務。
葉先生現為瑞士銀行(UBS), EFG Bank, LGT Bank 之External Asset Management Consultant外部資產管理顧問,以全權委託形式為高端客戶管理資產。葉先生同時為香港大學SPACE中國商業學院客席副教授,並曾獲得2017年度傑出教師獎。葉先生現任美國上市公司獨立非執行董事(INED),並擔任審核委員會主席。葉先生也是香港獨立非執行董事協會永久會員。
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E-mail address: trainers@vamhk.com
我們誠意與您全面、詳細介紹我們現有的課程。如有需要,更可與您商討。為 貴機構度身訂做合適的課程,請馬上聯絡我們。
聯絡電郵: trainers@vamhk.com
聯絡電話:(+852) 8209 8210