VAM has been maintaining good relationship with different organizations including banks, financial institutions and universities in Hong Kong, Macau and China Mainland for near 20 years. We conducted training courses to the following institutions:

Banks and Institutions in Hong Kong & Macau
Standard Chartered Bank
DBS Bank
Hang Seng Bank (Hong Kong and China)
Bank of East Asia
Fortis Bank
BOC (HK) & BOC (Macau)
CITIC Ka Wah Bank
Bank of Communications, HK Branch
Luso International Bank
HK Polytechnic University
Open University of Hong Kong
City University of Hong Kong
Macau University
Hong Kong Institute of Bankers
Vocational Training Centre
Hong Kong Management Association

China’s Mainland Banks and Financial Associations
Industrial & Commercial Bank of China
Bank of China
China Construction Bank
Agricultural Bank of China
Bank of Communications
Standard Chartered Bank (Shenzhen)
China Merchant Bank
Shenzhen Development Bank
Guangdong Development Bank
Shanghai Pudong Development Bank
Xiamen International Bank
Shenzhen Domestic Bank Association


清華大學深圳研究院 (深圳)
北京銀監局/天津銀監局/廈門銀監局 (香港、深圳)
中國工商銀行 (北京、香港、深圳、澳門、長春、雲南、四川)
中國銀行 (香港)
中國建設銀行 (北京、香港、深圳、上海、廣州、東莞、杭州)
中國農業銀行 (武漢、香港、深圳)
交通銀行 (上海、香港)
廣東發展銀行 (北京、香港、廣州、東莞)
國家開發銀行 (香港、深圳)
中國農業發展銀行 (香港)
上海浦東發展銀行 (北京、香港、深圳)
深圳發展銀行 (深圳、杭州)
招商銀行 (香港、深圳、蘇州、沈陽)
光大銀行 (北京、香港、深圳)
民生銀行 (香港、深圳、珠海)
華夏銀行 (香港)
興業銀行 (香港、深圳)
北京銀行 (香港)
東莞市/銀川市/鄭州市/新鄉市/蕪湖市/長沙市商業銀行 (香港、鄭州、上海)
廈門國際銀行 (厦門、香港)
中國人壽 (香港)
天津北方國際信託投資公司 (天津、香港)
Our founders and consultants’ past experience in conducting courses and consultancy services (part)
Developed and Lecturing Certified Financial Planner (CFP) courses for many financial institutions in Hong Kong through Hong Kong Polytechnic University and HKU SPACE to AIA, BOC (HK), Hang Seng Banks, ABN AMRO, Sunlife, etc.
Collaborated with Hong Kong Productivity Council to develop and lecturing Hong Kong Insurance CPD courses for banks and professional bodies
Co-authors of a popular CFP and AFP Exam prep. book: “CFP 600 Q&A” (published in 2009) and “AFP 300 Q&A” (published in 2013)
Writing standard financial planning procedural manual for BOC (HK) for their upgraded financial planning system
Coaching Bank of China (HK) and Bank of China participants to win the financial planning competitions organized by IFPHK and HKIB for consecutive nine years.
Teamed up with Russell Investment Group (U.S.), the largest retirement fund asset consultant in United States to provide investment and product knowledge to over 300 Bank of East Asia wealth management staff.
Instructors of Financial Planning courses in Vocational Training Centre and HK Management Association
In-house consultant for Luso International Bank (Macau) for wealth management business development and related training needs
Teamed up with organizations such as De La Rue Cash Systems (U.K.) and Royal Skandia to provide training to mainland bankers.

The Competitiveness of VAM
Good connection with banks, universities and trade associations
Proven experience in conducting training courses and relevant consultancy services
Well experienced and knowledgeable instructors
Excellent feedback from participants
Up-to-date knowledge of market development