Associate Trainers

Mr. Choy Chak Po
Mr. Choy Chak Po has MBA degree and a bachelor degree, together with four professional qualifications: Certified Banker (CB) and Certified Financial Management Planner (CFMP TM) awarded by Hong Kong Institute of Bankers, Certified Financial Planner, CFP® awarded by Institute of Financial Planners of Hong Kong and China Financial Planner (ChFP).
Mr. Choy had been working in the bank field for more than 20 years. Over the past years, he had rich of working exposures in various banking business such as wealth management, 2 branches administration (including the branch in PRC), credit risk management and risk management of financial institutions.
Since 1998, Mr. Choy had been acting as a staff trainer for various topics including banking practice, financial analysis and mortgage banking etc. From Year 1998 onwards, he has been participating in the Hong Kong Institute of Bankers (HKIB) as a training associate. The training topics of cover a wider scope of banking business such as credit risk management, problem loan management, branch banking management, operational risk management, banking compliance etc.
Recently, he is an Adjunct Lecturer of the HKU SPACE as well as a part-time instructor of the VTC (Vocational Training Council) and Lingnan University for teaching banking and financial market, regulatory compliance (AML, Sales Compliance etc.) and CFP® education courses.
Cantonese, Putonghau and English.
蔡澤寶先生擁有商業學學士學位(B com)及工商管理學碩士學位(MBA) 學歷,並持有香港銀行學會銀行專業會士、專業財富管理師 (CFMP TM )、認可財務策劃師(CFP®)、國家理財規劃師(二級)認證資格(ChFP) 等認證資格。
現時擔任香港大學專業進修學院(HKU SPACE)客席講師,並為香港銀行學會(HKIB)、香港職業訓練局(VTC) 及嶺南大學等院校兼職導師,分別講授:金融產品銷售合規管理、銀行與金融市場、財富管理、反洗錢合規管理及認可財策劃師(CFP ® )教育課程。